Students » Wellness


Capacity Building Team

Role: Tier I support (prevention and promotion)
  • Funded through Alberta Health Services' Mental Health Capacity Building Grant, the team provides services to students, families, and communities.
  • Universal programming both in the classroom, and at the community level; promoting positive mental health by raising awareness and increasing knowledge, building skills, and fostering positive community norms.

Community School Liaison Counsellor

Role: Tier I & II support
  • Focus on universal wellness and supports for students experiencing increased stress, adjustment problems, and mental health distress.
  • Targets the creation of school environments that support wellness and success; promotes children's social and emotional development; and enhances collaborative outcomes.

Mental Health Professionals Team

Role: Tier III assessment and intervention
  • Works with students who have been identified as struggling with a mental health disorder that is impacting their functioning at school.

Outreach Team

Role: Tier IV support
  • To provide direct support to students and families; and assist in reconnection to learning and greater community in a meaningful way.
  • To provide access to a wide range of services, community supports, and referrals.
Students may be referred to the Family School Liaison worker by teachers, parents or by the students themselves. Please contact the school for more information or if you have any questions; we are here to help!